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Who is this for...

Who am I

The Vision

An enhanced healing process can take place while being centered on more-than-the-Self, focusing intention on the healing and beneit of ALL (all matter, ecosystems and species)

Taking a wider angle of  interactions and perceptions also helps connectedness to more subtle but profound healing.

For anybody, really!

Including kids (if they're able to stay calm!), pregnant women (inform me please, or stay not too close to the sound source, as more sensitivity to sound may be experienced),

people sufferring from injuries, pain or illnesses (physical, psychological, or else).

The only advise would be to be open, trust in the process and let go of any need of control or resistance. Let your subconscious pave the way to what is needed for you at this particular point in time and space. It knows better than your ego!

The more you are open to surrendering to any sensations or anything else that comes up, the more interesting and deeper the experience.


As with anything else (more than anything else actually), people report a multitude of completely different personal experiences (during a same session, from one to another, with one teacher or another, etc.). It can range from "nothing" (despite the pleasant combinations of unusual healing sounds), to "feeling energy or vibrations in specific places in the body", "complete bliss or cosmic voyage", "liberation from (chronic) pain", "out-of-body experiences", "intuitive guidance, answer or revelation", "best sleep ever in years (deep REM sleep)", "seeing beautiful shapes and colours", "past-life regression", "automatic body spasms or movements (let them happen!)", "meeting of spiritual icons or ancestors", etc. 

The best way is to have no expectation, no fear of what could pop up (if it does, it means your subconscious knows you're ready for it, although your ego may object ;). Whether you feel anything or not, some things are happening in your body, down to the cellular level, so just trust in this! (and check the science page if you're not sure).


There are no sides effects reported, except (very rarely) some temporary localised pain or strong emotion (due to needed but previously hold emotional release). They usually disappear within minutes or hours.

​The only warning would be for people suffering of epilepsy, with serious heart disease / wearing a pacemaker, having metal in the body (some feel discomfort in their plates, others don't),

having an ear infection or wearing hearing aids (just take them off).

By the way, the gong is a great instrument for hearing-impared people!!! 

​In any case, sound baths can still be performed, but maybe in a more-gentle, less-intense way ;)




I’m Rachel, a French citizen who migrated to Sri Lanka 20 years ago and decided to stay with her new-found Sri Lankan family. Originally from the coast of Normandy, I came in Sri Lanka for a 2-year post-tsunami voluntary mission. Then I worked with my husband for our boutique-design-agency for about 10 years (mcncreative) and thereafter helping him with his art (Ganeshism).

It is in Sri Lanka that I discovered Kundalini yoga during my pregnancy (around 13 years ago), through Kundalini yoga that I discovered the gong (got my first one in 2016, which lead to many other healing instruments thereafter), and through the Healing that I have been wanting to re-connect in a much deeper sense with Nature. I'm not a professional musician at all, but I'm curious enough to like loads different musics (including the non-human-made), gifted enough to listen behind the sounds, courageous enough to play and trust what comes out, and eager enough to learn as I grow.


Few years down the line, I'm a yoga teacher, sound healer, educator and program/curriculum coordinator, nature connectedness facilitator, and a music composer. What I really enjoy is trying to find my own creative ways to merge all of them into an offering that people may also connect with.


If qualifications are important for you to know, you can have a look at my CV below. In a nutshell, my post-academic studies were in Education Science, Psychology and Economics. Since then, I got certified in Kundalini Yoga (2013 onward), Sound Healing (UK, 2019), Sound Alchemy (US, 2021), Sound/music medicine & Cymatics (US, 2022). I also ventured into 'Green education' (Analog Forestry, Ecosystems restoration design, Green School Bali educator course...- 2020 onward).


Rather than through mundane social description though, I find it more real to describe myself as an intrinsic part of this huge self-regulating organism - Earth - that we share with many other life forms, which I tend to care for and create with.

In recognizing how the Whole and its parts are interconnected in Oneness, my goal is to reconnect people with Nature, with each other and with their Self. I use mainly sound (but also yoga, mindfulness, sensory and other nature-based activities); just because it's what I found to be resonating the most with me and with others.

We all need healing; Humans of course, but so does the rest of Nature sadly...

While our species is the main culprit for this, we could consciously decide to become part of the Solution!

As Fred Hageneder states in his new book, we're on the verge of either a 'global meltdown' or a 'global healing'; which side would you rather be acting for!!!??

I'd rather dream Big and for the "greatest good of all" - while wandering with awe in the complexity of inner and outer worlds, and becoming as benevolent as the trees!.. Giving without expectations or resistance but with full openness, gratefulness, mindfulness and cheerfulness ;)


I personally intend to serve Nature in a very broad sense, which includes but obviously isn't limited to human beings. Although I reckon that I can't prove it in any way and I even could be wrong, I am actually quite convinced that we, as conscious beings, are able to reciprocally connect and co-create and co-heal with Nature, at micro and macrocosm levels. 


This is my statement and my manifesto!

This could sound bold and far-fetched to some of you. However, I hear a growing sound of similar voices around the world and in social media, including also from the scientific community (check out Monica Gagliano for instance).


​So the goal, in our tiny little ways, is to send as many healing vibrations as we can; the ones we can hear (sounds) and the ones we can't (intentions).

Whoever wants to send and/or receive those vibrations is welcome to participate, which applies to people (musicians and other motivated and inspired human beings), but also to other living and non-living things, all interacting in systemic integrative and dynamic ecosystems, contained in our big self-organizing Planet.


We are all interconnected though we forgot it all! We may not realized but we can harness the power of Nature to heal our selves, and we can also tap into our own inner higher power (potentially also other 'energies') in order to affect outer environments, for the greatest good of all.

We have to stop wanting and needing always, in an arrogance to think we're the only ones deserving 'it'. Openness to receiving come as part of giving! 

©2022 by eeyaysee. Proudly created with

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