Holistic and creative Wellness solutions for companies & organizations
As stated in articles and magazines, such as in Forbes and FreePressJournal, "Sound therapy is a powerful group experience that can help reduce stress, increase creativity, help with burnout, enhance sleep and create a company culture that values wellbeing". Sound Baths are indeed a very effective wellness solutions for employees, especially for those who want results without giving in too much effort. Although they can be combined with other modalities, such as yoga, breathwork, meditation, or light exercice in nature, they are also powerful on their own, while lying down and completely relaxing and letting go. The more the surrendering, the deeper the experience!
Wellness programs have a positive outcome on te main issues most organizations are facing right now:
High levels of stress, anxiety and burn-out
Poor mental health;Increase in physical ailments (cancer, chronic pain, auto-immune diseases);
Growing levels of loneliness (33% worldwide) & depression;
Lack of meaningful connection (emotionally, socially and/or spirituallly);
High levels of disengagement and dissatisfaction;
Overall issues of insecurity and overwhelm (climate change, global inflation, digital overload, pandemy threat, AI growth, etc.).
“Employment can and does have a profound impact on health, both positive and negative. Supportting optimal employee health could result in billions of them living longer, happier lives—while benefiting their employers. The global opportunity is equivalent to raising the global GDP by 4 to 12 % (benefiting employers, employees, their families, the societies in which they live, and government finances.)” ( 1 ).

Because of the increasidly growing costs linked to the challenges mentioned above (millions of dollars a year), “many employers have responded by investing more into mental health & well-being than ever before”, rightfully so!
“Employee wellness programs have often been viewed as a nice extra, not a strategic imperative. But the data show otherwise. The ROI on comprehensive, well-run employee wellness programs can be as high as 6 to 1 “
(Harvard Business Review)
Scientific researches lead by Deloitte and McKinsey are showing specific beneficial results for companies investing into wellness, in terms of lower levels of absenteism, attrition, mistakes & accidents, as well as higher levels of engagement, job satisfaction, efficiency, productivity and positive connection - to their team mates, and to the company culture.
I provide a holistic approach through Sound & Music, Physical Exercice, Mindfulness, Connection to Nature, Creativity, Art, Education and Interaction. Combining all:
Allows a holistic strategy with almost limitless variations;
Address the many individual preferences, talents and goals of your employees;
Cumulates dimensions (physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual) and multiply the benefits (at individual, collective and organizational levels)...
While providing activities that are innovative, non-invasive, pleasant, well-received, of easy-access, and (for some) totally effortless!.....
For details on the science, benefits, details, costs, click HERE, or Blog post HERE (why companies should invest in wellness)

Some of our corporate partners...
