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The science (which doesn't explain all the magic!...)


HOW DOES IT WORK (underlined words are links to researches and articles):


  • Therapeutic effect of the music itself;

  • Scientific researches in cymatics, psychoacoustics, biochemistry and neurology have proven that specific frequencies can be used to balance and energize the nervous system, brake or rearrange molecular structure, levitate objects, or even rewrite part of the DNA.

  • Vibratory response from healing instruments and frequencies, through the principles of resonance and entrainment (Physics) affect our bodies at a cellular level and synchronize our brainwaves (from Beta to Alpha, Theta, Delta and potentailly Gamma).

  • See your self as a super complex instrument - of around 72,000 nadis or meridians indeed! Multiple daily life stressors put you out of tune in many ways. Proper sounds can very quickly alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your muscle tone and organs into harmonic resonance and help you reach a state of neuro-coherence (heart-coherence as well).

  • Human blood cells respond to sound frequencies by changing color and shape. Some harmonies and frequencies induce healthy cells to energize and vibrate at a higher level, while sick, rogue or cancel cells can be healed/harmonized or completely explode using specific sounds (dissonance in particular affect cancer cells, despite not affecting healthy cells)

  • Secretion of nitric oxide and feel-good hormones from the use of specific sounds, especially the non-audible, i.e.ultrasound and infrasound).

  • The gong is in itself an amazing healing too!, especially by oxygenating and energyzing our cells.

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Top crossed-section of DNA helix

 Cymatic picture of pure frequency

(sound made visible on water)

Sound can heal people

Alternative  and holistic therapies are becoming mainstream nowadays. Thanks to Western science, we know now what it does and how it does it. You can find hundreds of good links with a Google search, but in a nutshell; it helps in treatment of anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, addictions, etc.. It boosts moods and creativity and helps realigning/reattuning the body at a cellular level, by vibrational entrainment and resonance. It also alters brainwaves and states of consciousness and basically acts at physical, emotional, spiritual & energetic levels (full benefits list). The gong is one of the most healing (along with your voice). Some of the effects are mind-blowing!...).

Click here for more scientific data on the mecanisms and benefits of music therapy & sound healing.

Click the button "READ MORE" to access my own little research on the subject...


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Nature can heal people

There are now tons of research papers online regarding the many benefits of being in Nature. Practices like Earthing or Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) are gaining popularity. A few countries are even now recognising Nature as an official (and reiumbursed!) medical prescription.​ Scientific fields like biophilia and ecopsychology are indeed explaining that a lot of our modern ailments can be linked with our disconnection from nature, especially mental illnesses and emotional issues. However, research shows that a regular mindful connection with nature also positively impacts cognitive, immune and behavioral functions.


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Sound can heal Nature...

Well, scientific research in that field has definitely been more focused on developing productivity or finding solutions to plant diseases... Nonetheless, it works! Proteodies for example (melodies made with protein-sequences) are used successfully in vineyards, or multiply the yields of rice or tomatoes (more here). This is called genodics - a discipline at the intersection of fundamental physics, music and biology. There are now new fields of research on how vibrations indeed have a positive impact on plants - even the ones that we can't hear (such as intentions)


So... People can heal Nature!?!!..

Rather than just pure mathematical logic, it actually makes sense. If energy-medecine can heal people (even at a distance), why couldn't it work on plants as well?! Especially now that we know how intelligent and cooperative, how caring, emotive and connected they are! Check scientists on the subject: Monica Gagliano, Peter Wohlleben, Susanne Simard...

So... I'm ready to take on the challenge and direct my healing intention not only to people, but also to animals, plants, minerals, ecosystems and the whole Planet indeed, because we live in a fractalized world - where all the small parts mimick and influence the Whole. Join me too! Selfless actions of service to the benefit of All actually feels very joyful, meaningful and liberating (scientifically proven too!), while potentially healing yourself at the same time, so nothing to lose ;). 

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